If you are interested in understanding how our government works, Washington D.C. a great place to visit. It is the hone to many National Monuments. It is rich in the history of how things worked in the past. Washington D.C. will leave you richer in knowledge after visiting these national treasures. Take the time to see the National Monuments in the city and learn more than you ever could in a text book.

What are The National Monuments in Washington D.C. that I can visit?

*The Capitol Building 0 contains our government including the Senate and House of Representatives

*The Washington Monument – a tribute to our first president George Washington

*Jefferson Memorial – a tribute to Thomas Jefferson

*Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial – a tribute to our most popular president

*Martin Luther King Jr Memorial – a tribute to one of the greatest human activists in the world

*World War II Memorial – in honor or those who died in the war

*Korean War Memorial – in honor of those who dies in the war

*The Lincoln Memorial – a tribute to Abraham Lincoln who helped in freeing the slave trade

*Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall -in honor of those who died in the war

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