If one were to list reasons why most people travel or take holidays, sightseeing might not even come to mind: we travel for cultural enrichment, to visit museums, to enjoy the nightlife, to mingle with the locals… but traveling with the specific intent of sightseeing is not all that habitual.

However, with the covid19 pandemic disrupting our lives more and more people are starting to take day trips to a nearby place to take in the sights: forests, the sea, the lake, a nearby hill… are all wonderful places where you will be able to enjoy nature, bathe in it and forget all about your daily worries while becoming more in tune with yourself.

Planning a day trip to sightsee is also extremely simple: just look up nearby places of interest on Google, load your car, and get going. You will be able to spend the evening enjoying yourself, and you can be back before dinner!

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