Going on road trips during vacations or breaks is a great way to get away from your daily normal routine. This kind of traveling posts a lot of unexpected adventures that you may never experience again.

Not only will you have relaxation and entertainment but you will learn about new things, new places, new people, and even a new realization about yourself. It is certainly a great venue to know more about your own capabilities especially when you decide to do a road trip alone. But for more fun, having a road trip buddy would be good.

If you want to be more spontaneous about your road trip, you may want to try doing an unplanned itinerary. Only choosing a general direction and start from there, for instance. As you go along the way, if you have a kind of loose itinerary, you can just let the flow and feeling take you where to go.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you just go without preparation. Whether you have a planned itinerary or not, make sure that your car is in good condition, your budget is not underestimated, and your body condition is well, too.

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